Book Details:
Published Date: 01 Dec 1952Publisher: Corinthian Press
Format: Hardback
ISBN10: 0527023140
ISBN13: 9780527023140
File size: 27 Mb
Due to their remote location and unique geological history, the Fiji Islands Steve Lingafelter (Smithsonian Institution, Washington): Coleoptera-Ceramcidae. of the 63 species of Ceramcidae known from the Bahamas Islands, The Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera Ceramcidae) of the Bahama Islands with an Coastal vegetation of small islands near Viti Levu and Ovalau, Fiji. modelling to protect rare insects in the Pacific islands of Fiji. Of long-horned beetles (the Ceramcidae family) in the Fiji islands. Despite The current study has added 96 species island records for Ceramcidae occurring in the Fijian archipelago. Of the 44 species listed, eight are possibly new to Buy Katalog und Fotoatlas der Bockkäfer Äthiopiens (Coleoptera, Ceramcidae) [Catalogue and Picture Atlas of the Longhorn Beetles of Ethiopia] Get this from a library! Ceramcidae of the Fiji Islands. [Lawrence S Dillon; Elizabeth S Dillon] Ceramcidae of the Fiji Islands. LAWRENCE S. DILLON and ELIZABETH S. DILLON. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS. Through Ceramcidae of the Fiji Islands / Lawrence S. Dillon and Elizabeth S. Dillon. Tools. Cite this Export citation file. Main Author: Dillon, Lawrence S. Related Ceramcidae: Ceramcinae) are described from fiji: Ceresium tuberculatum. Waqa & lingafelter, n. Sp. (type locality: fiji, Gau Island, 17.98ºS, 179.27ºE). Ninety-one species of Ceramcidae are known from the south Flor Coleoptera): biogeography and relationships with the Bahama Islands and Cuba. Ceramcidae of the Fiji islands. Dillon & Dillon Ann. Entomol. The Lamiine Tribe Gnomini (Coleoptera, Ceramcidae); Dillon & Dillon Amer. Mus. Novit. Ceramcidae of the Fiji Islands [Lawrence S Dillon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Ceramcidae of the Fiji Islands" Lawrence S. Dillon et al. Priority Forests for Conservation in Fiji: landscapes, hotspots and ecological processes Fiji Department of Forestry (1996) Vegetation Map of the Fiji Islands. Z. (2004) The Xixuthrus species of Fiji (Coleoptera: Ceramcidae: Prioninae). ensemble approach to address sparse data sets for species distribution modelling:Long-horned beetles (Ceramcidae) of the Fiji islands.
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